Friday, March 30, 2007

Fishing with Dad

Ryan and Collin took the morning to do a little fishing. Collin caught his first big one!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shout out to Uncle Buster...

Collin just wanted to say, "Congrats" to his Uncle Buster for becoming CAA's newest agent. Sweet cousin Harper will get to meet all kinds of celebrities, right? Can we get in on that?

Big Week for the Henleys!

Been a terrific week for us! Collin was recently accepted to Knoxville Montessori School and will begin in the fall! Hooray!

Miss Aneliese gained a whole pound, which doesn't sound like a lot but in fact is a very large percent of her total body weight. I have been at her "beck and call" to assist in this weight gain... and Collin has been very patient with us both.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


"What's with the name?", you may ask. Well, this blogspot is all about our sweet children, Collin and Aneliese. For some time I have called our little man "Bug." And although our angel, Aneliese was born just over a week ago, I have already begun calling her "Little Bit." So it seemed that the name "Bug and Bit" worked perfectly.

To begin, Collin McNair turned four last month. He has been such a wonderful child from the beginning we were sure our new arrival couldn't possibly be as perfect. But she is. Aneliese Blaire was born on Wednesday 3/14/07 at 10:27 a.m. after a very easy labor and delivery. She was 7 lbs even and measured 20 1/2 inches long.

Collin is such a proud big brother and is being a big help to Mommy. We are so lucky to have both joys in our lives.