Monday, December 29, 2008

This blog just got a whole lot better...

What a fantastic Christmas we had! We are so very fortunate! Thanks to everyone for sharing the season with us...and a gift to you all: Gigi gave us a fantastic new camera. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Holidays!
Thanks Angela!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

Collin has now lost BOTH front teeth! We had a relaxing weekend while Gigi was in town.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just some cute shots of them from the other morning! Hope you enjoy your day!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Changing our Blog name for a little while...

Here are a couple of pics of our dear children, "Green-baby" and "Snaggletooth". In case you just don't get it, Aneliese is in cloth pull ups now (and home-made baby leggings so she can pull down her pants without freezing) and Collin lost his front tooth!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Loving the leaves!

Collin is too fast these days to get a picture of so I thought I would share some great ones I got of AE playing in the yard the other day. Enjoy!
P.S. Since we didn't take ANY pics on Halloween, I will have to refer you to in order to see any...bad mommy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Those disgusting pumpkin "inerds" (seriously, no clue how to spell that)

So Collin thought that "gutting" the pumpkin was pretty gross as you can clearly see here.

But didn't they turn out great?


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Festival 08, KMS

I joined Collin for his school's Fall Festival this year. The tree hugging theme created wonderful activities such as Leaf Dying t-shirts and tie dying napkins.

Leaf rubbing with crayon and paper.

And here, Collin and Patrick are showing how bees polinate our flowers.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Collin's Creation

We thought we would share Collin's latest tinker toy creation. He calls it, "Monster with an idea."

And just a cute one of AE in her new rainboots! Thanks Jean!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yay Fall!

I realized today that Aneliese has been absent from my posts lately! Ouch! Here are some pics of the fun we have been having in our backyard since the chill set in.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Congrats to Crystal and Daryl!

A beautiful bride and a beautiful wedding! Congrats you guys!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Collin says to Daddy...

Collin eats a muffin...
C: Daddy, I have muffin caught in my throat!
R: Let me get you some milk to wash it down.
C: Never mind Daddy, I washed it down with spit.
R: Buddy, it isn't called spit until it leaves your mouth. When it is still in your mouth it is called "saliva".
C: Oooooh, saliva. That's pretty. It would make a good girls name.
R: Yes it would, buddy. Yes it would.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Collins says...

C: Mom, why does God sometimes trick us?
M: I don't know honey. How has God tricked you?
C: Well, somedays She makes it look like it will rain but it never does.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Collin says...

(In the car)
C: Mom, one day I want to go to that chocolate factory.
M: I don't think it is actually a chocolate factory.
C: Oh, well then I guess it must be a salmon factory.
M: Of course it is.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boating with Baby

So if you have a boat and a 16 month old, you CAN make it work after all. Some quick summer tips that I think would have been helpful several weeks ago.

Tip #1: Take a high chair. Not only does this allow you to strap the child in for meals, you can strap the child in period.
Tip #2: Take an older child for entertainment. Note: However, if your older child is somewhat more dramatic than your baby in situations like cold lake water, this can quickly backfire.

Tip #3: You MUST have at least 2 adults. Imagine us "putting in"...overall we did (by we, I mean Ryan of course), very well.

Tip #4: And most importantly, if you have a climber/jumper like our sweet, daring Aneliese, take a cage of some sort! Happy Boating!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aneliese sure missed her brother!

Collin had the joy of spending a week on the lake with Gran, Mimi, and Henry but his poor little sister missed him terribly. Since he has returned she has not stopped wearing his flip flops and staring at him. This video shows how much she missed him.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

FREE SHIPPING at Kid Vintage!

Collin and Aneliese told me to tell you their mother is offering FREE SHIPPING on the super cute, super cheap finds you see to the right. (Okay, so they didn't really tell me to tell you...)
But here is one example of how cute this stuff is!

Kid Vintage

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Last week in South Carolina...

Lots of fun was had and Collin gets to stay another week!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Collin on going to school, the sitter's, or leaving the house in general

C: I wish I could stay at home all the time and learn here.
M: Honey, you used to stay home all the time with me and you were very bored, don't you remember?
C: Yeah, but that was before I knew much about life.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Thursday in the Henley House..

I have the joy of having my kiddos home with me today while I am "working". I thought since I have been very bad about posting any of our weekend fun all summer long, I would post some shots of our day at home.
Climbed on many things...

Played with the train set...

Made homemade Banana Bread...

And goofed off a little. All this before 8:45 a.m. I should get to work!