Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boating with Baby

So if you have a boat and a 16 month old, you CAN make it work after all. Some quick summer tips that I think would have been helpful several weeks ago.

Tip #1: Take a high chair. Not only does this allow you to strap the child in for meals, you can strap the child in period.
Tip #2: Take an older child for entertainment. Note: However, if your older child is somewhat more dramatic than your baby in situations like cold lake water, this can quickly backfire.

Tip #3: You MUST have at least 2 adults. Imagine us "putting in"...overall we did (by we, I mean Ryan of course), very well.

Tip #4: And most importantly, if you have a climber/jumper like our sweet, daring Aneliese, take a cage of some sort! Happy Boating!

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