Thursday, March 22, 2007


"What's with the name?", you may ask. Well, this blogspot is all about our sweet children, Collin and Aneliese. For some time I have called our little man "Bug." And although our angel, Aneliese was born just over a week ago, I have already begun calling her "Little Bit." So it seemed that the name "Bug and Bit" worked perfectly.

To begin, Collin McNair turned four last month. He has been such a wonderful child from the beginning we were sure our new arrival couldn't possibly be as perfect. But she is. Aneliese Blaire was born on Wednesday 3/14/07 at 10:27 a.m. after a very easy labor and delivery. She was 7 lbs even and measured 20 1/2 inches long.

Collin is such a proud big brother and is being a big help to Mommy. We are so lucky to have both joys in our lives.


Luca's Mom said...

I am so glad you are doing this! It will be wonderful to have a peek into the bugandbit world right at my fingertips!

Love to you all.

Carol & Mac said...

You certainly do have 2 perfect children...........that gives us 4 perfect grandchildren now.
These blogs are such a perfect way for us to keep up with all they are doing on a daily basis.
We look forward to viewing their daily activities.
MacDaddy & Grammy

Redreamer said...

Collin has such a GREAT SMILE and just BEAUTIFUL BIG EYES.......

Lovely idea Meghan......... just lovely.