Monday, February 23, 2009

Note to self

Don't ever ask your child what kind of cake they would like for their birthday. Please be sure to ask "What FLAVOR of cake would you like for your birthday?" You see, for Collin's 3rd birthday, his birthday theme was knights and princesses and I made the most ellaborate castle cake one can make in my opinion.

Then his 5th birthday cake was more along the lines of his cowboy idea and featured a hayride. We hired a "cake designer" for the unusual theme. Gigi purchased this one.

(Note: his 4th birthday I was crazy pregnant so I can't even seem to remember what on Earth we did...)
So along comes Collin's 6th birthday party. Ryan and I were real troopers (along with several other wonderful parents) and we took Collin and several of his friends skiing in Gatlinburg for the day. So, when I asked Collin, "What kind of cake would you like for your birthday this year?", naturally his response was "I want a ski slope cake, Mom. The hardest part will be the chair lift! I don't know how you are going to do that!"

Poor guy, this is what he got this year...Hey, it is white like snow, right?

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